Friday, August 26, 2005


Well I did my ball pilates on Tuesday and went for two walks this week aside from that, not been following point TOO closley but trying to be mindful.

Hopefully a maintain or a loss will show tomorrow on the scale. we'll see. Trying to get water in as much as possible, not getting ALL of it in, but am getting mroe then usual.

trying to figure out what to make for dinner with limited food in the house is hard....low fat or not finding somethign is a sturggle. but I managed to figure out a veggie cheeseless pizza with a homemade crust and salami. Hubby and dd loved it. It was really tasty, I think I should make it more often, has fresh garden onions, tomaotes, greenpapers on it and mushrooms. it was delish :)

Hope my weight in tomorrow is good.

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