Friday, March 31, 2006

7 pounds down!!!!!

Since the middle of march I have been exercising 3 times a week, and
eating reasonable food with dividing my plate into 4 section and eating
lots of veggies and drinking my water.

I've lost 7 pounds and I'm back on track! it feels good. it took a while
and the motivation was low for a bit but I'm back at it! WOOHOO

I don;t thin I'll be counting points or doing WW anymore. It taught me
about good foods with low points and how to incorperate exercise and
water etc, but I don;t feel now after three successful weeks of no
points that I need Weight watchers anymore, Ic an do this on my own with
mindful eating and sensible portions, I've proven so far that it works.

At least I always have it as a back up if I slip or fumble, but I think
I got it!


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Down 4 pounds

Since my last post I'm at 182 this week, a loss of four pounds in two weeks. Right where I should be right now. a 2 pound loss a week is a good place to be in.

hopefuly I'll keep it up, and start a habit of this weight loss thing again.

I've done Tae Bo twice this week. I should do it today too, but I don;t knwo how I feel yet about that.

It is amazing how hormones can really effect your over all wellbeing, I'm more clumbsy, more tired, more brain fogged the last few days due to monthly hormone shifts. Craving carbs more as well.

Trying to get my butt in gear for the day.DD wants to go skating this evening. I just feel like sleeping.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Back on the right track

I took a look today and am showing a 2 pound loss this week.If I stay
mindful, my official weight should be good on Saturday.

I've been trying to stay within points, though going over a little when
absolutely starving.. I wonder if this is because Bupba ( my son) is
still breastfeeding a LOT for 13 months old ( about 6- 8 nursings a day)
and I'm following my regular point plan.

I've been drinking herbal teas to get in my water, and also drinking
crystal light, and that helps a lot.water is always an issue for me.

I've been cleaning the house like crazy as well, trying to gain some
peace with organizing and minimizing on the junk,which is good exercise
on top of my regular daily stuff I do, and today I did my tae bo video
for the first time in a month! it felt good to do, but I could tell Iw
as out of practice as I got a stitch in my side from the workout, so I
slowed down just a little and made it through the end. it felt good to
do it again and I hope to do it every day, working my way up from 3
times a week, then 4 then 5... etc. so in a month I should be doing TB 7
days a week.

We have also been dancing every evening after supper for the last two
nights as a stress reliever for the whole family, DH is the DJ playing
the Mp3's and the kids and I dance while I do the dishes and such.Last
night with bupba in my arms, he and I did the polka, and Anj danced a
jig for us in the dining room...a good workout I'm usually breathless
after! got to be at least 1 AP if I'm being cautious to count.

Trying to remain mindful and working on my emotional eating habits the
most, as that is my biggest issues.

On points so far today, and getting ready to make supper.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


This is a graph I made of my weight since jan 2004. No granted the gains have all been due to my pregnancy with my son. but I have been just hagning out around 186 now for the last year. ( he's 13 months now)

I'm rereading dr Phil's book and forcing the habits, since will power DOES NOT WORK.

I ate on points today and I'm now starving...cause I ate poor choices and filed up thsoe points fast.

I ahve not done any intentional exercise today yet and it is 10:42 pm. But I've been deep cleaning the house and just spent a half hour in my daughters bedroom, cleaning crap out from behind her bed and sorting stuff out.

I'm going to start from here and get back to my goal of 130.

I'm going to drink more water daily.
I'm going to follow my points system.
I'm going to exercise 3 times a week.