Saturday, October 15, 2005

Another week stuck at 184

Well I maintained again for a second week in a row. that is not good in
my view.

I did not exercise at all intentionally this week. It rained ALL week
and today is the only sunny day we've had in week,which was nicely interrupted by a hail storm.

I've been emotionally eating a lot this week to stuff the frustration
and anger I'm having, Dh and I have been arguing a lot this week because
he is tired and crabby, because we are trying to arrange some rooms in
the house and he dislikes any of my ideas. JUST ONCE I'd love to have
husband who doesn't care and lets me arrange the furniture the way I
want to. Also the communication issues we always seem to have due to my
ADHD and his lack of understanding it are there more then usual due to
the other stuff going on as well.

I feel like crap emotionally this week, and I've been over eating at every turn.

I want to crawl under a rock and just stay there, and not come out until

I need to get
a hold of my emotional eating and shake this off and get stuff done.

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