Monday, January 30, 2006

Two steps forward, three steps back.

Well Saturday for was a bust for exercise. I was just too busy and tired by

the time everyone else settled down. Did a lot of house work i was avoiding.

Water and eating were ok though...Sunday was another story...I sucked at eating,
I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the sweet craving thing...but it is
seems related to not taking my Ritalin. I didn't take it today at all.
and I craved sweets so bad and had three small donuts. I'm going to
need a pill case with a beeper or something.

I did my exercises yesterday though instead so I got 2 AP's... still not
enough to cover the donuts, popcorn chicken and perogies for supper I
ate. On the Up side I got in a lot of water.

Still some areas needing working... but a little at a time or else I'll
just feel like chucking the whole effort out the window.

Today I started off goo with water and an apple... but then while playing Nintendo monolopy with DH I ate potato chips and the one portion I had was not enough because I didn't stop and savor the flavor, so I ended up eating 20 points in potato chips. I have 5 points for the rest of the day, so I guess I'm eating low low low points for supper. Breaking out the veggies and salad.

I'm hoping to get my Tae Bo exercises in every day this week.

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