Saturday, January 14, 2006


YIKES, water retention sucks! I've gained 6 pounds this week. I'm sure 4 of that is water retention due to my period being here, so I think I gained 2 pounds in donuts and bad eating.

Seasonal Affective Disorder really sucks because my body craves carbs terribly, and therefore I end up binging on stuff I should not. not even "bad" stuff, just too much stuff.

I'm trying to up my Vitamin D intake and get some good amount of sunlight in everyday to combat the effects of the SAD. Some days are better then others.

I didn't exercise on Thursday like I was supposed to but I'm hoping to excise at some point today, right now I need to warm up, we just got hit with a cold snap after really warm snap and I went out to the video store to return a game DD was playing and I am frozen and very stiff in the joints at the moment, last night was a bad sleep night for me as I could feel the weather change coming in while is poured rain all night and now causing a flash freeze here. my hips and hands are the worst today.

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