Saturday, April 02, 2005

It's April 2ND!!!!

Yikes where did March go?

my goals this month are to actually FOLLOW the WW program and read the DR Phil book again.

*My April Goals:*
*read a page a day in the book.

Exercise in some way 3 times a week intentionally ( bike, ball pilates, walking now that the weather is better with DS's new stroller)

follow WW as close as possible

I'm am not as plugged in as I should be lately, this trying to get a grasp on the ADD thing has sort of taken my attention and anyone who knows anything about ADD knows I am probably hyper focusing on trying to understand ADD more, and finally know myself better. Kind of made me put my weight on the back burner ( not good cause I gained 4 pounds this week.) but on the plus side of trying to make a schedule for myself, I DID actually get on the bike once and exercise for 20 minutes

My hips/pelvis are hurting a lot, still post birth healing going on i think, I need to go slower perhaps.

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