Monday, August 15, 2005

trying to get back on track

I didn't follow points, but I know I'm under as I had only a cheese sandwich today then had a mostly fresh salad and chicken without skin dinner at hubby's Aunt's place. On our way back from a freecycle pick up we stopped in at her place and were invited to stay for dinner. She loves the baby to peices ( 4yo DD too of course but takes the baby out of my arms as sson as I walk in the door :)

( if you have not heard of Freecycle yet check it out and join a group at help save the planet by keeping perfectly good stuff out of your land fill.)

Drank about 6 points in coke there, but that's ok, drank 3 litres of water today!!! Yikes! feels like I'm pregnant again going to the bathroom so much.. I just sweated my butt of doing garbage and recycle for the last half hour, now sitting to rest.

Didn't get in my "intentional exercise" but I broke a sweat for over 20 minutes.

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