Saturday, February 14, 2004

Chocolate covered cherries

Feb 14th 2004

I had two chocolate covered cherries to day for valentines day ( 2 points each they were small) and have been on points all week.though it took some doing, I had some things that were not points friendly that took activity points to cover but that si ok, I made it... I am thinking about having diet coke and rum to loosen my neck and count the points for the rum.

I don't usually drink, but I have tried everything for my neck,so maybe this will work.

I stretched before I got out of bed this morning and heard a few pops in my neck that sounded like popcorn and have been unable to move my neck at all today since, I did something to a muscles in my left side, and it hurts :(

I have lost two pounds this week,so I am now down by 16 pounds since January 1st. :) I'm feeling pretty good about that. all my clothes are looser and it feels nice to be able to see the difference. I keep getting fearful though that I am going to hit a plateau soon... but when I look back at my week and see how much different I am doing now,I see that I am doing a lot of things right now that I wasn't before.

I'm still trying to get in as much water an possible in a day... I have 12 bottles now that I refill every day and try to get john and I to drink them all. I really feel different if I don;t get my water in.
Feb 20th 2004

18 pounds total lost now :)
My official weight in is tomorrow, but I weighed in today and have lost another 2 pounds :) I'm down into the next points range now, 20-25 points a day. sometimes it feels strange to go down the next points range,I hope I am not hungry.. have to work the Ap points if I do, cause some days it felt like I needed the whole 27 and an extra 2 Ap's to feel not hungry.

That weight loss this week was with dinner out to restaurants twice, two nights in a row.. so am doing well with my most dangerous sabotage areas of my weight loss, the choices on a menu. But obviously I am learning to make the right choices and enjoying the challenge of eating within points while out at a restaurant and enjoying more the social part of the experience.

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