Saturday, February 07, 2004

Emotional Week

I only swam for exercisethis week, I did not do any ball Pilates, like I have been dong. But that is ok, I think I needed the break, I was dealing with a lot of emotional stuff this week ( PMS, MIL, PWS ( pissed off wife syndrome))

I had an argument with a Collegue that required a lot of my attention due to her public accusations etc, and also required me to leave the group she and I were a part of,I did a lot of grieving over that until yesterday when my neighbour had a chat and she said "I think you already know what you need to do , you're just sad that you have to" and that made me do what I needed to do, and now I feel much better,more at peace.

This week I learned though that even though I was completely stressed about it all I didn't let food comfort me. I got hugs from some great friends ;) and was able to talk it out with my circle of support,and now I feel much better and able to start a fresh new week.

I lost two pounds and I am learning that it is not about the show of loss on the scale but about feeling better about myself, and knowing I am worth it, and I have value in this world.

Next week I would like to continue to improve on my water intake, and get in some ball Pilates as well, since I miss it.

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