Thursday, November 06, 2008

has it been two years

I'm embarrassed right now that it has been two years since I've posted here. a lot has gone one, and well for two years I've not given a crap about weight loss, being healthy, or losing the excess weight. Maybe at some point I'll fill in some spaces of the events of the last two yers. but needless to say I've been coping with life by eating.

With med changes and not caring and lack of intentional exercise I now weight in at 209 pounds.

I always swore that I'd never let myself get over 200 pounds, so I cannot let this go on...I need to get back on track, have some self control, and not give in and just emotional eat when I'm tired and stressed out with life daily events.

I've dusted off my sneakers, and plan to get in more exercise through packing to move to our new home, wii fit and walking. I'll watch my daily caloric intake and follow good gidlines that have been successful for me before, and I'll post here as much as possible to keep me accountable.

I'm making the promise to myself right now that I'll post all my food intake and my exercise here as well as my weekly weight in in order to remain accountable.

Starting now November 6th:

Starting weight 209 lbs
Goal:150 lbs

Today I went to the city for a dr appointment for my daughter and we were late so we got there without meals. and ended up being there a very long time. as a result today I only ate a whopper, that I could not even finish all of because my ritalin makes me nable to eat very well. so I put it aside, and ate it later this evening on the way home. My first intake was at 4 pm, the second at 9 pm. and then at 2:30 am realized i was absolutly starving. I counted my intake for the day and I had enough value left for my daily intake to have a rib burger with cheese. fast and dirty, and not the best choices, and not the best times of day, and the starving technique does NOT work, but at least I did not eat over my daily intake maximum.

Not fretting, no looking back, better decisions now. Looking forward.

Now I'm gonna go to bed, right after set up my cell phone to send my blog 140 character updates. It'll be like tweeting my blog but allws me to leave my twitter for all subjects and this will just be for the weightloss journey.

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