Saturday, January 17, 2004

Great Week

I have had a GREAT week...I was on points every day this week,( two weeks running now) went swimming 4 times this week, did 50 cruches on my abs in the last 3 days ( gotta start somewhere) and have walked a few times in the blithering cold... ( thankfully the temp is going backup again and we are only at minus 4 degrees celcius right now.

the scale is showing a two pound gain from my official weight in last Saturday but I am sure it is because aunt flo is still here.

the circle of support I have created for myself via the web and in real life has been a wonderuful thing, and is one of the reasons that I am doing so well i think

I have a group of girls I love to go swimming with 3 times a week now, and a wonderful neighbour who wanted to help me acheive my weight loss goals by lending me the money for the swimming pass. I was amazed,I actually only went over for tea to complain and cry on her shoulder about my MIL saying a swimming pass would be a waste of money,( since she thinks DH would not go, when it was his idea in the first place) and she gave me the money for it and told me to take my time paying it back. She is a real sweetheart, she loves DD so much and is really helpful and a good friend now :)

It is a great break for me to go swimming with the girls,I feel human, and with DD old enough to entertain herself,it is not too hard on DH to stay home with her.

he has been real supportive of it and of my journey to change my sedentray lifestyle, and I am really thankful for that. It is also great that he is getting out with me twice a week with DD as well as a family to go to swimming as well. The heated pool will help his musclesand his ME.

He is being treated now for seriously painful sinusitus.. :( poor guy he gets so sick every winter it really bothers him so much.

I have been ripping through the apartment today cleaning like a mad woman, only becasue I was struck they the urge. I cleanded out bedroom and built a small table against the wall with two extra kitchen chairs we had so DD and I can eat dinner with DH when he is laid up in bed in pain and sick. I hate bringing him his food and walking away from him to eat alone. So we can all eat as a family even if it is in the bedroom. Hopefully it will work out ok.

DD is a sweet heart, she likes doing my ball pilates exercises with me and keeps asking to do them, we will tomorrow and I know she'll have fun :) tonight we turned on Shania Twain while I was cleaning and danced and sang in the bedroom, she is very into singing these days :) which I love. She is so sweet to watch :) I want to get her a microphone and tape player thingy from fisher price so she can tape herself singing and listen to tapes :) the girl is learning to read and is unbeleivable!! She loves the swimming as well, and I think in no time she will be doing laps with me :)

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